
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Epic Anime Time's Gak Attack

Meet Toronto's Yung Lee also known as "Gak Attack". He an amateur videographer and a self-proclaimed "man of action" who created the recent YouTube hit "Epic Anime Time" at AnimeNorth 2011.
Lee has no formal education in filmography or special effects work, which hasn't stopped his "Epic Anime Time" video from becoming one of Canada's most-favorited Film & Animation vids for the week of June 20 on streaming site YouTube. The video features cosplayers (like Naruto, One Piece, Dragon ball Z ant etc.) from this past May's Anime North convention in Toronto, who take turns beating Lee up.

From Watching this Video make me Laugh so hard and amazed how he made it so good, so he have my vote in "like" on Youtube. To watch more of his Video Click Here^^