
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Freezing Manga Anime Adaptation Announce!

The story revolves around Kazuya, a boy who lost his sister in humankind’s fight against beings from another dimension. He enrolls in Genetics, a military academy for combat training against the dimensional beings. There, a group of girls known as “Pandora” prepare to fight the unknown enemy. 

 The official website of the Freezing franchise has confirmed that a television anime adaptation of Lim Dal-Young and Kim Kwang-Hyun’s manga will premiere in Japan in Spring of 2011. The production company
Media Factory also made the announcement at its Comic Market 78 booth at the Tokyo Big Sight event center on Friday. 

Anyway the Manga itself is still not complete or suspend, from what i can tell that the Freezing TV Anime will need to set a different story plot if they wanted a good story than the plot on the manga. Well I hope this anime won't be exactly  the same like Kurokami(that there are too much beating on the heroine) and make it a nice anime(that include fanservice, Muahahahaha!).

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