
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

High School of the Dead: Storyline Change

Well the H.O.T.D. anime storyline are almost the same like the manga, but on episode 8 where they going to Saya Takagi Home and the infamous "RECOIL".

"The Best way to use a gun"

The Storyline change where Komuro and Saeko got split from the group for try to attract the zombie toward to them but failed, lucky they we were save by the team of rescuer and one of them is Takagi's Mother. But for Komuro and Saeko are far apart from the group, so the two of them look for another way at Takagi's Home. But in the Manga all of them are save and the split up happen after all the electronic are fried from the EMP of the Nuke that the US launch.

Well I think it ok to change it a bit but if this happens, then the story is bound to be different on Tagaki's Home (like who will stop Rei from killing the creepy Lelouch like teacher)  and the other coming story.  

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