Sunday, October 13, 2013

Onepunch-man : Great to become Anime

A manga that belongs to the author name"ONE" that is serious becomes a hit even so just a messy doodle, the story and non sense joke give a good punch.When first saw this, it was remake by Yūsuke Murata, the author of Eye Shield 21.The collaboration of Murata and ONE turn Onepunch-man into an awesome manga.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Aoki Hagane No Arpeggio: Ars Nova (First Impression)

The First word came in my mind was The Movie "Battleship" when i first saw it on anime. Then check out the manga and found out that the drawing is a bit Chaotic which my imagination can't grasp. So the full Digital Animation was a right choice to make out most of the detail drawing in the manga superb! Well for Sailing the high sea is a man's duty but Ship will always by a "She" . Therefore make all Battleship are women Lol.


By 2039, global warming had caused sea levels to rise and large amount of territory to be lost. As though in response, a mysterious group of warships clad in mist, “the Fleet of Fog,” appeared in every corner of the ocean, and began attacking human ships. In spite of humanity mustering all their strength, they were utterly defeated by the Fog's overwhelming force. All of humanity's trade routes were blockaded by the Fleet of Fog, their political economy was destroyed, and the human race was steadily beaten down. Seven years later, the Fleet of Fog's submarine I-401 appears before cadet "Gunzo Chihaya". The humanoid life form that pilots the sub Iona, who should be their enemy, is instead offering her services to mankind.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Next Visual Reality Anime

Log Horizon is like a Dot Hack or S.A.O like story, but the different from this anime is that it didn't have a VR(Visual Reality) Gear or whatsoever, just a normal PC device. The thirty thousand Japanese gamers of Elder Tale (WOW or Perfect World like online game) have been waiting of their latest expansion pack "Novasphere Pioneers" and log in, just simply got transported to the game that have the same shape of Japan.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Magi : The Labyrinth of Magic Review

This anime is allusion to the tales of the One Thousand and One Nights which includes the famous tales of Aladdin, Alibaba, and Sinbad in one story about  magical labyrinths that appear everywhere in the world. Each labyrinth contains different monsters, treasures, and a Djinn that lay waiting for its rightful master who has a potential to be "KING". However their is more a mysterious secret that revolves around the people who made this labyrinths and their power is far greater than any magician their called "Magi".
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