The story is about a world where every boy and girl has a special power called Iris, Toru(the Main Protagonist) who, as a result of not having any kind of special power, was bullied from a young age, lives by his motto: “low exposure” – to live without standing out. But his peaceful school life changes when he receives a certain "Confession" from the schools most popular girl, Koyuki(the Main Heroine). His motto begins to Breakdown!!
The school fantasy story that shakes the heart begins with their meeting.
At first the summary of the Story is dull and seem another one of those simple and easy to drop manga, however while reading the manga, show a lot of interesting twist in the story plot mostly like "Toaru majutsu no Index and Break Blade" without the Action scene, just a normal slice of life genre that involve with the powers of sight(Iris) and every person point of view to it.